Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Karter's Birth Story

On Monday January 11, 2010 we arrived at the hospital just before 7am for my scheduled induction. I went to Labor and Delivery and they got me set up in my room with all the monitors and such on and told me Dr. Rapaport would be in soon to check on me. My nurse Colleen was very friendly, and we hit it off right away!
At 7:45 Dr. Rapaport came in to check me and said I was a good 3-4 cm dilated. At that time, he broke my water. It was such a weird feeling... I almost felt like I was peeing myself! He told me then that if I was planning on having an epidural, that I should get my IV put in soon. The first time the nurse tried to put the IV in, resulted in a blown vein, and since I'm not a fan of needles, she asked another nurse to come in and try to put the IV in. The second try worked just fine...although it was a little more painful.
The nurse then told me I could get up and walk, which I did for a little while, but it was only Jake and I at the hospital at that time, and he wasn't feeling very well, so he wanted to go back to the room and sit down but he didn't want me to walk by myself, so we both went back, and I just got back in bed and watched tv for a while.
At 11am, the Nurse talked to the Dr. and he decided that since breaking my water had done little to speed up or intensify my contractions that I needed to be started on the Pitocin. It took less than an hour and 2 upped dosages to get the contractions so intense that I was ready for the Epidural. During that time, I had been up sitting in the recliner, just relaxing and watching Ellen and chatting with my nurse. I called my mom and told her that she could start heading to the hospital.
I tried to hold off on the Epi for as long as I could, but I finally asked at about 12:15 if I could get the Epidural, and the nurse checked me and said that I was a "full 4 centimeters dilated" so yes I could get the Epi. She went to call the Anesthesiologist, and I waited and tried to breath through some VERY intense contractions. I tried to stay relaxed, but they were so painful, that my body just wanted to tense up every time I felt one coming on! When she came back in my room, she had me get back in bed so I would already be there for the Epi. The Anesthesiologist came in about 12:30 and by 12:40 I had my Epidural in and I was feeling NO pain! It wasn't easy getting the Epi in though because my vertibrae are "tight". The first try didn't work, so he had to move up a bit farther on my back to try again. When all was said and done, I told the anesthesiologist I loved him, and I told everyone else that "the epidural guy is a god". It was such a weird feeling having the Epidural for quite a while (much different than labor with Chase) before time to push, because my legs felt so heavy!
She continued to up the Pitocin every 30 minutes and I could feel the contractions coming and going, but they didn't hurt.. it was just pressure.
At 2:45pm, the nurse checked me again and I was 6cm dilated. She was supposed to be done at 3, but the nurse taking over was in a meeting with the Head OB nurse, so Colleen stayed on til 4, when Lisa came in and took over.
At 4:30pm, Dr. Rappaport called and wanted to know what kind of progress I was making, so Lisa checked me and I was 9 and 1/2 cm, and still feeling NO PAIN!! She told me that we would be pushing soon and that the Dr. was on his way over from the office.
At 5pm, I started to push. They kept saying that they could see his head and told me that he had a ton of hair. Lisa didn't think it would take too much pushing for him to be delivered, but after an hour, I was almost ready to give up! I just kept trying to focus on getting him out, and at 6:18pm My beautiful baby Karter Jacob weighing in at 7lb 12oz and 20.5 inches long was finally born! Jake gave my mom the Honor of cutting the cord (since he had done it with Chase). Welcome to the World Karter! We are so blessed to have you!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Almost time!!!

Well, so much has happened since last time I wrote! The last time I wrote, we had just found out we were expecting but hadn't told anyone yet. This time I'm getting ready to deliver this beautiful baby! I've got a lot of catching up to do!
Here is a semi time line of events as written in my pregnancy journal (which once again I didn't keep up with)
5-19-2009: Took first pregnancy test.. I felt the results were inconclusive.. (maybe I was in shock and disbelief) The + was there, but it didn't look like it was supposed to.. one line was darker than the other

5-20-2009: Took a second test... this was a 1 line your not, 2 lines you are kind of test... There were definitely 2 lines on this one!
I was so scared!!! Scared something was going to go wrong, and I was going to lose this baby too, just like I had done 6 months prior!

6-3-2009: I had my first prenatal appointment, and to my surprise, the nurse calculated that according to my last menstrual period, I was 10 weeks pregnant already!!! I was scheduled for an ultrasound on June 26, but since the nurse felt I was farther along then we thought, we had better move the appointment up to June 9. They gave me an estimated Due date of December 30, 2009. I had been having Evening sickness instead of Morning sickness and even laying in bed at night made me nauseas! I knew that being sick was a good sign of a healthy pregnancy, but I was still nervous and worried about this baby!

6-9-2009: Today we had the first Ultrasound! Everything looked fine and we got to see the baby's heartbeat. According to gestational size, my due date has been pushed back to January 12, 2010.
Seeing the baby's heartbeat took a huge weight off my chest! I still worry, but not near as much as I have up to this point! We also told the family today that we are pregnant!

6-18-2009: Today marks 10 Weeks 2 Days! I'm still getting sick, and it's far worse in the evening than it is at any time during the day! Work really tires me out and when I get home, I'm ready for a nap. I still worry every day about the health of the baby, but I have faith that God will see us through to a healthy baby in 6 and 1/2 months. I've been taking pictures of my belly on Friday of every week for the last couple weeks and as long as I don't forget I'll take one tomorrow too.

6-30-2009: I haven't been sick the last day or 2, just a little queasy. I'm feeling a lot better. Today marks 12 weeks, so that's probably why the nausea is getting better. I'm starting to get excited! I can't wait til we have out next ultrasound. I really wasnt to find out if the baby is a boy or girl. I really would like to have a girl this time, but all that really matters in that we have a healthy baby! Thank you Jesus for giving us this precious gift!

7-3-2009: I've been feeling so much better the past couple days. I'm 12 weeks 3 Days now, and it is normal to start feeling less sick, but it still kind of worries me, (since the morning sickness went away when I lost our Angel baby). I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed, but sometimes it is difficult. I'm still praying and so thankful that God has blessed us with this baby! Thank you Jesus!!

7-10-2009: I had another Dr appointment today and we got to listen to the baby's heartbeat on the doppler. The heartrate was 148, that is slower than Chases was, and I wonder if this indicates we are having another boy?? It really does not matter, as long as this baby is healthy. I think I felt the baby move today! It was a distinct little flutter as I was standing in front of the counter in Jeremy and Jen's kitchen helping get dinner ready. I only felt it once, but I'm pretty sure it was the baby!

7-13-2009: Now at 13Weeks 6 Days, I'm feeling better. I officially start my Second Trimester tomorrow! I love my Miracle baby!

7-16-2009: Today I scheduled my ultrasound appointment! It is August 21, at 11AM. I'm excited to find out the sex of the baby, only 5 weeks to go! I would prefer a girl, but it doesn't matter, as long as it's a healthy baby! I saw the cutest onesie yesterday... It was pink and purple and said "if the tiara fits..." I thought that would be so fitting for a little girl of mine, considering I'm such a princess!

7-29-2009: I've been kind of paranoid and a little depressed lately... I'm feeling better today though. I've been worried that something will go wrong. I dreamed last night that we are having a girl.. I have crazy dreams most nights. I actally look forward to having the crazy dreams! I felt the baby move more today too. This time I'm absolutely sure what I felt! I got my hair cut a few days ago. I got about 8 inches off of it and got it layered. It looks really good now! Jake wasn't too thrilled (he never is when I cut my hair) but it will be easier to take care of once I have the baby.

We had the BIG ultrasond yesterday. It was so exciting to see our little miracle in there healthy and growing exactly on target! We are pleased to announce that we are having a BOY!!!! I'm so relieved that everything is perfect. He is handsome just like his daddy! Chase is SO excited about being a big brother and really thrilled that we are having a boy instead of a girl! The ultrasound was awesome!! We got to see our little man in 4D!!! They also gave us lots of pictures of him.. 14 to be exact! Now the task will be coming up with a name for this little guy! Chase just wants to call him Captain Jack Sparrow, and although it's a cool name, I don't think that will go with our last name very well..

8-25-2009: Chase wanted to write a letter to his brother in my journal... it reads:
Dear Baby Brother,
I love you!
Your Big Brother Chase

8-25-2009: I'm frustrated Jake and I can't agree on a name.. 20 Weeks today! Halfway to holding my newest baby boy in my arms!!! I can't wait to meet him, to kiss his sweet head, face, hands, all of him!!! I'm having a blast feeling our littl guy kicking so much! He actually woke me up with his kicks this morning. It was a much better wakeup call than an alarm!

9-3-2009: I'm past the halfway point in this pregnancy now. I'm so excited and can't wait to meet my little guyI still feel in awe sometimes, even as my belly grows and my feet swell (along with my hands), I still find it hard to believe that I have been blessed again! I am so thankful to have this opportunity to carry and eventually raise another child. God has truly blessed me! Chase is getting very excited too! He often wants to look at "stuff for our baby". Then he proceeds to tell anyone who will listen how to use said products. I find it sweet that he is so interested and wants to be so involved. I'm also glad we have chosen to let him be such an important part of this process of growing OUR family. We want him to know that he is just as important to our family as his baby brother. I just don't want him to ever feel left out. He is going to be a wonderful big brother and we are so blessed to have him!

So I have slacked and not even written in my pregnancy journal since September... A lot has happened since then. In late October (around 28 weeks) I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, and had to begin watching what I eat (and drink) and had to start testing my sugar 4 times a day! I have been able to pretty much keep my sugar under control through diet alone, which is good. That means I don't have to take insulin shots or any other medication for the diabetes. Thank God! Because of the Gestational Diabetes, I have gone for an Ultrasound every week since week 34. They check to make sure baby isn't getting too big, and they also do a Biophysical Profile, to check on baby's breathing and muscle tone as well as the amount of amniotic fluid.

At the 34 week Ultrasound, baby Karter (yes we finally chose a name) was estimated to weigh about 5lb. 7oz.

At the 38 week Ultrasound, they estimated his weight again and he weighed in at 6lb. 10oz. However the ultrasounds can be off by up to 1 lb either way, so he could be bigger or smaller.

Today, I am 39 weeks 5 days. I go in tomorrow morning at 7 am to have labor induced. I'm a little nervous, but so excited!! We can't wait to meet the newest member of our family! God has greatly blessed us, and I couldn't be more thankful!