I'm off work today.. YAY!! I just worked 7 in a row, so it's a nice break. This morning Karter has been snuggling Daddy in bed and Chase is at school. That gave me time to sit at my desk and Scrapbook. With Pandora radio in my headphones, and paper, photos, and embellishments on my desk I actually completed a LO in about an hour and a half.... (That was with a few small interuptions) After thumbing through about 50 photos, most of which I am embarrassed to say are from Karter's first week on the outside, I decided which photo I wanted to scrap.
I just grabbed a bunch of stuff and this is what I came up with.. It really took me longer to put it all together than anything. I knew I had super cute ribbon that I wanted to use, and I wanted to distress something (the torn and inked edges of the photo mat) and of course me being a Sassy Blinging Babe, the LO would HAVE to have some bling on it somewhere. I found the stork left over from another set of stickers and the transparency with the word baby all over it happened to be hidden in my stash too. I figured now was as good a time as any to use it. I had no ideas in mind when I sat down, but I'm pretty pleased with this project.
I really should have been doing laundry instead of sitting here but sometimes you just need a creative release, and for me Scrapbooking is just that!
Oh, and by the way, sorry I didn't get a photo up yesterday.. I'll try to post one every day, but I'm making NO promises! Sometimes life just doesn't afford me the time to get a creative or interesting photo.

I just grabbed a bunch of stuff and this is what I came up with.. It really took me longer to put it all together than anything. I knew I had super cute ribbon that I wanted to use, and I wanted to distress something (the torn and inked edges of the photo mat) and of course me being a Sassy Blinging Babe, the LO would HAVE to have some bling on it somewhere. I found the stork left over from another set of stickers and the transparency with the word baby all over it happened to be hidden in my stash too. I figured now was as good a time as any to use it. I had no ideas in mind when I sat down, but I'm pretty pleased with this project.
I really should have been doing laundry instead of sitting here but sometimes you just need a creative release, and for me Scrapbooking is just that!
Oh, and by the way, sorry I didn't get a photo up yesterday.. I'll try to post one every day, but I'm making NO promises! Sometimes life just doesn't afford me the time to get a creative or interesting photo.