It's ba-ack.... at least for today.. The photo of the day for today is my Sweet Sleeping Baby. Sometimes there is just nothing better than snuggling a sleeping baby to your chest. Karter is very much a Mommy's boy, and loves to snuggle... this is one of the few times that I didn't just let myself fall asleep with him... I mean he's so cozy and comfy..... and warm, sometimes it's hard to resist the urge to just let go and forget everything for a brief moment to just revel in his soft skin and hair and enjoy this time with him.... All too soon he will be up and running, and after they do that, they want to snuggle mommy less and less.... So, I cherish these moments with him.
Sorry there hasn't been a photo for a few weeks... sometimes life just gets in the way. Hopefully I'll have a bit more time in the near future, as I use a few vacation days and get a bit more time off work. I take photos nearly every day, it's just a matter of getting them here.. I'll try to keep up on here, but I'm making no promises!