1) I fall asleep almost every time I start to watch a movie!
2) I hate seafood of all kinds... except tuna!
3) I love to sing and think I'm pretty good, but I have horrible stage fright.
4) I was a contestant in the miss Teen ALF pageant when I was 16.
5) I drink Milk from the jug.
6) I have collected Barbies since I was about 14.
7) I feel things very deeply and cry easily.
8) I take Chase to bed with me if Jake is staying up, so I'm not alone.
9) I despise washing Dishes and they almost always pile up till Jake does them.
10) The only thing I have ever been sure I wanted to be when I grew up is a... Mommy
Now I get to award this to seven people who I believe are worthy of the Honest Scrap award:
1) Allie~ http://alliefortworth.blogspot.com/
2) Ria~ http://mariabrownsblog.blogspot.com/
3) Noelle~ http://noellescraps.blogspot.com/
4) Chelle~ http://blog.jmlamb.net/chelle/
5) Dawn~ http://dawnylovestoscrap.blogspot.com/
6) Sarah~ http://papertree.blogspot.com/
7)Melissa~ http://northernmemories-melissa.blogspot.com/
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